A Ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled lump that typically forms near the joints or tendons in the foot and ankle. These non-cancerous cysts develop when the tissue around a joint or tendon becomes irritated or injured, leading to the formation of a sac filled with fluid. While Ganglion cysts are usually harmless, they can cause discomfort, particularly in areas like the foot and ankle, where movement and pressure are frequent.

Common Symptoms and Causes of Foot and Ankle Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts in the foot and ankle can vary in size, ranging from small, barely noticeable lumps to larger, more visible masses. Even small cysts can cause discomfort, especially when walking, running, or wearing shoes that press against the cyst. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain or discomfort when walking or standing
  • Swelling around the affected area
  • Difficulty fitting into shoes due to the lump
  • Tingling or numbness if the cyst presses on a nearby nerve

The exact cause of ganglion cysts remains unclear, but they are often associated with repetitive stress or overuse of the foot or ankle, injuries, or conditions like arthritis that affect the joints. Activities that put excessive strain on these areas, such as running or wearing poorly fitted shoes, can increase the risk of developing a cyst.

Diagnosing and Treating Ganglion Cysts

If you notice a lump or experience persistent pain in your foot or ankle, it’s important to consult a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis. A Ganglion cyst can often be diagnosed through a physical examination, and your doctor may use imaging techniques like X-rays and possibly ultrasound imaging to rule out other conditions. In some cases, a biopsy might be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment for Ganglion cysts typically depends on the severity of symptoms. Many cysts resolve on their own without treatment. However, if the cyst is painful or interferes with daily activities, treatment options include:

  • Wearing properly fitted shoes that reduce pressure on the cyst.
  • Using a brace or orthotic inserts to limit movement and reduce irritation.
  • Aspiration: Draining the cyst with a needle to remove the fluid and alleviate symptoms.
  • Surgical removal: In cases where the cyst is large, persistent, or particularly painful, surgical removal may be recommended. However, there is a possibility that the cyst could return after surgery.

If you're experiencing symptoms of a Ganglion cyst, our team at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria, Arizona, is here to help. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Margaret Withrow or Dr. Dylan Kaumaya at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona to receive a comprehensive diagnosis and explore your treatment options.

Remember, while Ganglion cysts are generally harmless, addressing discomfort and mobility issues promptly can enhance your quality of life.